BTL #215 - We're Back! - 10/3/16

In Which We Discuss:

1. Donald Trump would like you to believe he was not on cocaine during the first presidential debate.  We would like you to believe that no one goes on a 3am tweetstorm without at least a bump

2. Dedicated to his reality show craft, the Donald is now toiling in melodramatic tax, porn and beauty pageant drama

3. 2016: The year of the anti-endorsement

4. Based on the length of the 233 page California Voter Information Guide, the plastic bag industry may be pissed, but the paper industry is probably celebrating

5. Californians might not have to live to see the outcome of this horrible presidential race due to apocalyptic earthquakes 

6. Senators furious Obama doesn’t control the laws of time and space, mad he can’t make it two days ago so they can go back and listen to him

Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in political news. Join the millions of circling helicopters who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL!  Then rate us on iTunes or find us FacebookTwitterTumblrStitcher, or Instagram!