6/13/22 - It's On You Right Now

In Which We Discuss:

1. The fact that it was a Cheney that argued the Jan 6 opening case is an absolutely bananas story point.

2. The gun violence issue has been left to Matthew McConaughey to solve, so we really are out of ideas.

3. We completed Step 1 of stopping Rick Caruso from being the mayor! (No thanks to the celebrity class.)

4. The anti-Biden 2024 whisper campaign is becoming a speaking-volume campaign.

5. COVID. It’s on you right now.

6. If things aren’t enough like a horror movie yet, THE MACHINES ARE COMING ALIVE.

Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in electoral and political news. Join the millions of quarantiners, sirens, helicopters, barking dogs, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL!  Then rate us on iTunes or find us FacebookTwitterTumblrStitcher, or Instagram!

And, as always, you can buy and review Lila's book here: Some Kids Left Behind