Jen Psaki

5/16/22 - Stupidity Week

5/16/22 - Stupidity Week

What a week! Californians got their primary ballots, Pennsylvania is about to nominate a total nutbag, the White House did some Trumpian gaslighting, and in a move that anyone with a brain could have seen coming…Conor Lamb is going to get slaughtered in his senate primary. Don’t miss it!

4/4/22 - GOP Obsessions

4/4/22 - GOP Obsessions

If there’s one thing we love on this podcast, it’s JUICY SCANDALS. And boy oh boy, these last few weeks have been full of ‘em! We’ve got the Trump call log gap! The wife of Clarence Thomas attempting to overturn an election! Madison Cawthorn’s cocaine-fueled GOP orgies! Trump supposedly making a hole in one! The New Democrat Coalition claiming they’re capable of passing bills! It’s more scandal than you can handle!

1/24/22 - Call and Let Us Know [w/ guest Gaby Goldstein of Sister District]

1/24/22 - Call and Let Us Know [w/ guest Gaby Goldstein of Sister District]

We hope you had your Margarita and Kickboxing class, because this podcast is epic. First, Gaby Goldstein (@gaby_goldstein) of Sister District joins us to chat about the mid-terms and the importance of down-ballot races. Plus, we’ll give you all the lowlights of the 2 hour Biden presser. Toplines are: everything is going better than anyone could have expected, so that’s great to hear! Plus we’ve got stories about monkey queens and human litter boxes, because…of course we do. Don’t miss it!