America Fererra

BTL #255 - Politicon 2017: Too Many Thoughts - 7/31/17

BTL #255 - Politicon 2017: Too Many Thoughts - 7/31/17

We're flying rundown-free because we snuck this recording in after a packed weekend at Politicon, but we've got our reactions to the comic-con for wonks, plus of course the healthcare vote, Priebus exit, Scaramucci living up to his operatic name, Trump's VERY on-brand boy scouts speech, and more!

BTL #210 - Democratic Dancing - 8/1/16

BTL #210 - Democratic Dancing - 8/1/16

This week on the podcast... Don't you want to have as much fun as Bill Clinton is having in this picture?  Then listen to us discuss the DNC and all that transpired behind the scenes on this week's podcast!  Plus, Trump's worst media week ever, and some nifty campaigning ideas for the progressives among us!