
BTL #177 - Friday the 13th - 11/17/15

BTL #177 - Friday the 13th - 11/17/15

Well let's not beat around the bush - this week was a mess.  Thanks to those terrible attacks on Western Europe/the joy of Lila's birthday, most of us realized that terrorism-related death and destruction is happening everywhere.  The world is a dangerous place and we're just living in it/hoping not to have cynical politicians team up with the terrorists to make us 100% scared at all times.  BUT, we also had two debates, one for each party, and we've got plenty of thoughts on where the biggest schism in the GOP really lies, where the most interesting schism in the Democratic party lies, and how parroting Rudy Guiliani is never the right choice.  Then on to some interesting protests heating up at universities nationwide and why SCOTUS hates our sanity so much.  And tons more!  Really.  The extra day gave us too many thoughts!