
BTL #214 - Our Local Taco Truck - 9/6/14

BTL #214 - Our Local Taco Truck - 9/6/14

This week on BTL, we've cover the important news: Bobby Pin-Gate 2016, Michele Bachmann's latest talking spell, and, Hillary Clinton's continued technological failings.  Oh, and I guess while we're at it we get to Trump's surprise Mexico trip (?!!?!), polls, some news about where on earth Clinton's been for the last month, and other more traditional "news" news. We bring it all because we care.  We're THOSE friends.  You're welcome.

BTL #202 - Scandal to Pore Ratio - 5/23/16

BTL #202 - Scandal to Pore Ratio - 5/23/16

This week on BTL...GOSSIP!  Nothing like some good old infighting among the Democrats to get us excited about the endless casual insult and loaded compliment possibilities!  Plus we've got primary results from Kentucky and Oregon, an attempt to refute accepted science (Republicans get away with that all the time so why not us?) and detailed reports of the greatest day in Congressional history.  Finally, we're almost as cool as the British!  Oh, and Oklahoma is up to legit shenanigans in their quest to rid the state of doctors and women...or at least that's what we assume their crazy abortion bill is all about.  That and tons more if you click RIGHT HERE!