presidential election

BTL #242 - The European Margin of Error - 4/24/17

BTL #242 - The European Margin of Error - 4/24/17

This week on BTL, we do a deep dive into the French presidential elections because they're somehow even more entertaining than our own.  Then we review Trump's first 100 days; he doesn't have much to show for it, and let's hope this week doesn't change that. Plus, there's Georgia's 6th, Chaffez's last, and the Tom Perez/Bernie Sanders sideshow that perfectly sums up why "unity" is eluding the Dems. All that, plus an in-depth analysis of Bill O'Reilly's hopefully not-prophetic work of fiction in which an angry, disgraced newsman who's out of a job murders all of his enemies. Eek! Watch out, women everywhere.

BTL #229 - Pussy Hats and Alternative Facts - 1/24/17

BTL #229 - Pussy Hats and Alternative Facts - 1/24/17

This week on a bicoastal BTL, it's tales of the largest march in US history!  We got crowd counts as well as stories of attending on both coasts!  (Well done LA!  750,000?!)  And guess what wasn't the largest gathering in US history?  Duh, the inauguration, despite what Trump and Sean Spicer's "Alternative Facts" may claim.  Plus, we've got a rundown of the week's insano cabinet confirmation hearings, the already mounting tragedy that is Trump's first days in office, and, most importantly, the real deal with Sean Spicer's five-year feud with Dippin' Dots.  

BTL #228 - Extra Rights - 1/16/17

BTL #228 - Extra Rights - 1/16/17

This week on BLT...will anybody actually be at the inauguration on Friday?  So far it looks like it's going to be Hillary Clinton and Code Pink.  Plus, Trump will save the ungrateful voters in John Lewis’ totally functioning district whether they want him to or not, and Ben Carson will stop all those pesky gay people from getting their extra rights.  What a relief!  Meanwhile, Cory Booker shoots himself in the 2020 foot,  the GOP signals their plans to take away your healthcare are just as ill conceived as you imagined,  and nobody does a press conference like Donald Trump and a stack of blank paper.  Bonus: we did it, America!  #GoldenShowers has now officially trended on Twitter.  Come for the news, stay for!

BTL #227 Un-Losable - 1/9/17

BTL #227  Un-Losable - 1/9/17

This week on you want to cry tears of joy/frustration/helplessness/anger/inspiration?  Good, because you'll have no choice if you try to watch Michelle Obama's final speech as FLOTUS.  Other things that might make you cry include: basically anything else that's going on in America.  Shootings (the domestic terror kind, stand down war hawks!), gaffes, ineptitude of the highest order by the seasoned professionals in Congress, and a few things that are so bad they're funny like the rumor Hillary Clinton is mulling over a run for the Mayor of NYC.  First obstacle: she's never actually lived there.  Okay, 2017, let the games begin!

BTL #226 - New Year, New Congress - 1/4/16

BTL #226 - New Year, New Congress - 1/4/16

Happy New Year, guys!  This week on a (finally all new!) BTL...Congress gets off to the most embarrassing start possible, but they're finally sworn in so it's time to hit the phones and let them know we're watching!  Plus, Donald Trump knows not what he does or thinks, but he seems to get credit for whatever happens to work out that day anyway.  None of this, of course, is thanks to his cabinet appointments, which only seem to get worse with each passing moment, and none of it will change if the Democratic leadership in the Senate has anything to say about it.   Oh, and Trump rang in the new year with a mobster named "Joey No Socks" because...of course.  All this and tons more on our first podcast of 2017!  Buckle up!


BTL #225 - Rant Day - 12/17/16

BTL #225 - Rant Day - 12/17/16

This week on a special bi-coastal BTL, we've got a few things to get off our chests.  Yes, we know all about Russia's hacking and yes we're horrified.  Yes we know all about the electoral college vote and yes we're terrified.  But no we wont accept that the Democrats lost this race solely because of James Comey and Voldermort Putin, and we'll tell you why politically it's not even worth making the claim.  Plus we're all over covering our history of fake news and future of fake morals!  Listen while you load of up on latke potatoes or Christmas ham (or a nondenominational food of your choice)!  Then give us the gift of a rating on iTunes.  

BTL #224 - Losing the Cold War - 12/13/16

BTL #224 - Losing the Cold War - 12/13/16

This week on BTL, it's Red Scare Pt. II: the one where we actually lose the Cold War!  Welcome to life in the modern USSR.  sS far it's mostly viewings of The Apprentice and the promise of starvation wages but Trump is brewing up some additional cabinet trouble so stay tuned.  Of course no viewing of The Apprentice is as bad as listening to Ted Cruz describe his love of queso.  Plus, DNC updates, adventures in deal-making, and more!  Listen if you dare!  (But seriously, please listen.  Listening is fun!)

BTL #222 - The Case of the Missing Comp Seats - 11/21/16

BTL #222 - The Case of the Missing Comp Seats - 11/21/16

This week on BTL, shit is getting real here in Trumpistan!  Transition team purges already underway?  Sen. Jeff Sessions (not to be confused with Rep. Pete Sessions) as Attorney General?  Rumors of a shortlist for other cabinet spots that seems like it's punking us?  Yes (but no!!!!!!) to all.  Plus, Clinton comes out of hiding, Trump violates his own rules and settles his Trump U case, the Democrats expand leadership to include everybody on earth!  The election was tough, but now, more than ever, is when to pay attention!  Things are about to get a little rocky.