New York Values

BTL #227 Un-Losable - 1/9/17

BTL #227  Un-Losable - 1/9/17

This week on you want to cry tears of joy/frustration/helplessness/anger/inspiration?  Good, because you'll have no choice if you try to watch Michelle Obama's final speech as FLOTUS.  Other things that might make you cry include: basically anything else that's going on in America.  Shootings (the domestic terror kind, stand down war hawks!), gaffes, ineptitude of the highest order by the seasoned professionals in Congress, and a few things that are so bad they're funny like the rumor Hillary Clinton is mulling over a run for the Mayor of NYC.  First obstacle: she's never actually lived there.  Okay, 2017, let the games begin!

BTL #225 - Rant Day - 12/17/16

BTL #225 - Rant Day - 12/17/16

This week on a special bi-coastal BTL, we've got a few things to get off our chests.  Yes, we know all about Russia's hacking and yes we're horrified.  Yes we know all about the electoral college vote and yes we're terrified.  But no we wont accept that the Democrats lost this race solely because of James Comey and Voldermort Putin, and we'll tell you why politically it's not even worth making the claim.  Plus we're all over covering our history of fake news and future of fake morals!  Listen while you load of up on latke potatoes or Christmas ham (or a nondenominational food of your choice)!  Then give us the gift of a rating on iTunes.  

BTL #198 - Arcaniest of the Arcane - 4/25/16

BTL #198 - Arcaniest of the Arcane - 4/25/16

This week on BTL...we've got yet another Super Tuesday coming up, this time starring Pennsylvania.  (Cue the moment we figure out that the Pennsylvania primary laws are legitimately undemocratic.)   Then follow us through a rundown of the upcoming year's best Senate races - it's not even June and already it's drama as far as the eye can see in several key races!  Plus we have the beginning of Veepstaes 2015, the latest on the New York primary results and election fraud accusations, the week in news about 90 year-olds, and so much more!  

BTL #196 - Five-Swipe and Token-Man V. That Turnstyle Life - 4/11/16

BTL #196 - Five-Swipe and Token-Man V. That Turnstyle Life - 4/11/16

This week on BTL, the candidates invade New York to make subway-related gaffes, eat pizza incorrectly, and in the case of known delight Ted Cruz, lecture New Yorkers about how terrible they are.  Luckily the feeling was mutual and after protests, walk-outs, and lots of general purpose heckling, it's now looking like he wont be taking the Bronx.  What a surprise!  Plus we've got Wisconsin and Wyoming election results, Panama Paper-mania, a Tour de Trump you wont want to miss, plus a rundown of what was and was not said at Sanders' infamous NY Daily News interview!  We're back together again on the left coast and enjoying the afterglow of National Siblings Day, which, naturally, as only children we celebrate together.  Say hi to Mom for us!