
BTL # 178 - One Exorcism Is A-Okay - 11/23/15

BTL # 178 - One Exorcism Is A-Okay - 11/23/15

This week on BTL, Louisiana voters finally draw a firm line at...TWO prostitution scandals.  Still okay: 1 prostitution scandal, 1 exorcism, association with the KKK.  Plus, the GOP primary is heating up with the entrance of an exciting new candidate that's already nabbed a spot in the top 5.  Welcome "Wouldn't Vote" to the presidential race!  Excited to hear you at the next debate.  Plus, Julia Brownley, world’s most desperate/worst Democrat, won’t help world’s most desperate refugees because SHE'S AWFUL.  And everybody said the absolute wrong thing about refugees this week so it should come as no surprise that RICK ROLLING IS BACK.  Shit's just heading in that direction.  This time, however, Astley is "never gonna give up" on fighting terrorism.  All this and TONS more because, guys, it was that kind of week.