
BTL #190 - The Fruit Salad of Life - 2/29/16

BTL #190 - The Fruit Salad of Life - 2/29/16

This week on an all-new BTL, Donald Trump's Nevada blowout saw him promising that he's going to bring us “so much everything” when he’s president.  If "everything" involves more of his accidental slam poetry, then we're in.  If it involves more racism, however, we're not.  Will update.  Plus, Thursday's GOP Debate was more bananas than ever and showed an emerging trend in the GOP field: campaigning exclusively via insult comedy.  (Policy proposals are so 2015.)  Also, anybody who’s anybody in whatever the opposite of MENSA is endorsed Donald Trump this week, Clinton had a BLOWOUT win in South Carolina,  and Super Tuesday is upon us!  (All signs point to Texas is proving once again that it can’t be trusted.)  Then there's the NY Times' sudden Clinton takedown, some intelligentsia speculation that for once isn't about Beyonce, and the newest kind of militia to look out for in the post-Bundy world: toddlers.  It's yet another week for the books and we have it all here!

BTL #189 - George's Little Brother - 2/22/16

BTL #189 - George's Little Brother - 2/22/16

This week on the podcast, Carla Nordstrom joins us for our coverage of the Nevada Caucus results, the fully bonkers South Carolina GOP primary results, a finally tally of what money can't buy you care of a now exclamation point-less Jeb, and Donald Trump's latest sparring partner, Pope Francis.  Naturally we didn't forget to bring you this week's crazy Scalia conspiracy theories and make sure to listen to Carla's editorial on young voters and the Democratic Party!  Yet another can't-miss week and more are on the way!

BTL #188 - Real Pizza - 2/16/16

BTL #188 - Real Pizza - 2/16/16

What a week!  It began with the best day of our lives - the New Hampshire primaries and ended with the surprise death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.  He was a complicated man, scourge to liberals, BFF to RBG. knower of real pizza, not-knower of the rights of women, gays, minorities, and most other human creatures to have healthcare, the right to marry, or services and dignity of any kind.  The GOP is honoring him the best they know how - by refusing to do their job.  Alex Jones and Matt Drudge are honoring him the best way they know how - by spreading conspiracy theories about his death.  We're honoring him the best way we know how -  by bringing you news on the most raucous GOP debate to date, the upcoming Nevada caucuses and South Carolina primaries, and so much more!  It's yet another rollercoaster week in this unbelievably exciting election cycle!

BTL #183 - Guns Per Tear Shed - 1/11/16

BTL #183 - Guns Per Tear Shed - 1/11/16

This week on's a polling bonanza!  The first polls major numbers 2016 are filled with exciting plot twists!  With Iowa and New Hampshire are mere weeks away, the pressure is mounting on establishment campaigns on both sides of the aisle and we can't help but love the fallout!  Plus, Donald Trump releases his first video ad; maybe in the course of “figuring out what going on” he can learn to write better copy.  And Ted Cruz birtherism is finally taking center stage in a fascinating GOP battle royale that promises to get better (read: more exciting) before it gets worse (read: solved). Also, Obama makes common sense gun control reforms that are now more necessary than ever since Americans basically purchased out all the guns that are currently for sale last month in an effort to stop shootings (what?).  And guys, Dr. Zizmor retired so childhood is basically over and we've gotta start figuring our shit out.  Blargh.  Check us out right here or on iTunes/Stitcher!

BTL # 178 - One Exorcism Is A-Okay - 11/23/15

BTL # 178 - One Exorcism Is A-Okay - 11/23/15

This week on BTL, Louisiana voters finally draw a firm line at...TWO prostitution scandals.  Still okay: 1 prostitution scandal, 1 exorcism, association with the KKK.  Plus, the GOP primary is heating up with the entrance of an exciting new candidate that's already nabbed a spot in the top 5.  Welcome "Wouldn't Vote" to the presidential race!  Excited to hear you at the next debate.  Plus, Julia Brownley, world’s most desperate/worst Democrat, won’t help world’s most desperate refugees because SHE'S AWFUL.  And everybody said the absolute wrong thing about refugees this week so it should come as no surprise that RICK ROLLING IS BACK.  Shit's just heading in that direction.  This time, however, Astley is "never gonna give up" on fighting terrorism.  All this and TONS more because, guys, it was that kind of week.


Political Wordplay: 2016's Slogans Decoded

Political Wordplay: 2016's Slogans Decoded

Take a trip through this year's presidential candidate slogans and logos with us as tour guide!

BTL # 176 - The Scientific Method - 11/9/15

BTL # 176 - The Scientific Method - 11/9/15

This week on BTL...Tuesday’s election results were total garbage.  You guys have to remember to vote (Kentucky, we're talking to you)!  Also, don't bother learning anything about the life story of GOP frontrunner Ben Carson.  Apparently it's all a lie AND science isn't science and history isn't really history and everything you know is wrong.  Don't worry though, he promises from the bottom of his heart that the anecdote about him stabbing somebody is totes true.  Plus, we'll tell you everything you didn't even know you didn't know about MSNBC's (secret?) Democratic candidates forum, last month's impressive jobs numbers, and the latest in the war on Christmas.  Oh, and Sinkhole radio returns with an important PSA so listen like your life depends on it!

Meet The Candidates #4 - Marco Rubio: Thirsty for Success, Thirsty for Water

Meet The Candidates #4 - Marco Rubio: Thirsty for Success, Thirsty for Water

In this week’s Meet the Candidates, we’ll take a look at Marco Rubio, the GOP establishment’s next great hope for the presidency.  He’s currently in 4th place, but hey, that’s about as high as an establishment candidate can get, so...winning! He’s also the most popular candidate from Florida and the most popular Cuban candidate, so he’s really killing it on those fronts.  Other fronts Rubio’s killing it on?  Boring credit card scandals, immigration flip-flopping, and religion switching.  That’s right, did you know Rubio was once a young idealistic mormon?!?  Get all the details here!