BTL #255 - Politicon 2017: Too Many Thoughts - 7/31/17

BTL #255 - Politicon 2017: Too Many Thoughts - 7/31/17

We're flying rundown-free because we snuck this recording in after a packed weekend at Politicon, but we've got our reactions to the comic-con for wonks, plus of course the healthcare vote, Priebus exit, Scaramucci living up to his operatic name, Trump's VERY on-brand boy scouts speech, and more!

BTL #254 - Branding Mediocrity - 7/24/17

BTL #254 - Branding Mediocrity - 7/24/17

This week on BTL, the depths of the simple things Trump doesn't understand are amazing sometimes, right? Like how health insurance works, how press offices work, how Russia works.  It's an adventure every day with this guy.  Plus, meet Anthony Scaramucci - he's just like his namesake!  And yeah, Sean Spicer is (was?) literally the worst kind of office person on earth. And maybe, just maybe, that's why we loved him.

BTL #253 - The Handshake - 7/17/17

BTL #253 - The Handshake - 7/17/17

This week on BLT, there's lots to discuss. The Senate health bill, John McCain's head-health, Donald Trump Jr's legal fees, it's all so much!  But none of it was quite as important as the 30+ second mega-handshake seen round the world.  Tune in for all that and a sinkhole!

BTL #252 - Lesson Unlearned - 7/11/17

BTL #252 - Lesson Unlearned - 7/11/17

This week on BTL, we ONCE AGAIN try our hand at reporting late-breaking and oh-so-exciting news! #TrumpRussia is getting really delicious...and by that we mean scary.  Also we've got dispatches from America's president's trip to the G20 and our president's trip to the G20, as well as some thoughts on Mark Penn's failing-ness and the permanent tragedy that is Chris Christie.  Oh, and healthcare updates.  Duh!

BTL #251 - Healthcare or a Giraffe - 7/3/17

BTL #251 - Healthcare or a Giraffe - 7/3/17

This week on BTL, healthcare reform didn't get through before the holiday, but we're still worried about Mitch McConnell's evil plans to woo new GOPers to the cause. Trump, meanwhile, is so worried that he's changed his mind about his position yet again. On the Democratic side though, mind changes are a good thing! The writing on the wall is increasingly clear - Medicare for all is going to be a defining issue of 2020. All that plus Gorsuch being a problem already, a shake-up at Our Revolution, and Donald Trump's latest Twitter shenanigans.

BTL #250 - Sestercentennial - 6/26/17

BTL #250 - Sestercentennial - 6/26/17

This week on BTL, Wealthcare is still anybody is talking about, and we're here to give you a running list of who, to date, is for it, against it, undecided, and especially evil. Plus, some thoughts on the GOP and guns, the Democrats and women, single-payer's worst enemies, and our "new" policies on Cuba. And finally, Jesus Christ, will we ever get a guilty verdict in the police the shooting of an innocent black man (or woman... or child...)?! 

BTL #249 - Long-Winded Details - 6/21/17

BTL #249 - Long-Winded Details - 6/21/17

This week on the podcast, travel through random election Tuesday with us as we learn the results of the Georgia and South Carolina special elections! Plus some thoughts on the AHCA, why it's bad, and how we can stop it.  Also, the speculation can finally cease -- we've heard Jared Kushner's voice and it's both super generic and not at all what we expected. Come for the election fun, stay for the healthcare!

BTL #248 - Auntie Maxine - 6/12/17

BTL #248 - Auntie Maxine - 6/12/17

This week on BTL, it's Pride's #resistmarch day and we're fresh from laying real human eyes on the inimitable Maxine Waters!  Plus, British election results, Comey's testimony, John McCain's senility, and so much more.  You wont want to miss this or our coverage of the anti-Sharia protests that were oddly sweeping the nation this week too.  What a week!