
BTL #209 - Republican Dancing - 7/25/16

BTL #209 - Republican Dancing - 7/25/16

This week on BTL, we do our best to make up for our one-week absence!  We try our hand at reporting breaking news, plus we've got a look ahead at the DNC and a look behind at the (terrifying, disorganized, slapstick-ridden) RNC.  All that plus a discussion on the meaning of your vote and when voter outreach works and doesn't, plus an exciting (read: horrible) update on the week in racism.  And jokes.  We've got jokes too!

BTL #201 - Quit Your Bickering - 5/17/16

BTL #201 - Quit Your Bickering - 5/17/16

This week on's chaos at the Nevada Democratic Convention!  Sit-ins, security, fleeing...all the best kinds of excitement!  Plus, we've got election results from West Virginia and Nebraska, a week of Donald Trump trying to figure out how to be a frontrunner (answer: insist that you're very smart but don't confirm anything else), and SCOTUS updates from the a newly 4-4 court!  Apparently their new strategy is to stop making rulings until we can break the stalemate.  All that plus the intersection of politics and gossip like you've never experienced it before!  Welcome to Rep. Grayson v. Sen. Reid, the ultimate battle.  It's yet another week of glory, so don't miss it!

BTL #198 - Arcaniest of the Arcane - 4/25/16

BTL #198 - Arcaniest of the Arcane - 4/25/16

This week on BTL...we've got yet another Super Tuesday coming up, this time starring Pennsylvania.  (Cue the moment we figure out that the Pennsylvania primary laws are legitimately undemocratic.)   Then follow us through a rundown of the upcoming year's best Senate races - it's not even June and already it's drama as far as the eye can see in several key races!  Plus we have the beginning of Veepstaes 2015, the latest on the New York primary results and election fraud accusations, the week in news about 90 year-olds, and so much more!  

10 Ways Hillary Could Reach Out To Young Voters (A Challenge to the Clinton Hordes!)

10 Ways Hillary Could Reach Out To Young Voters (A Challenge to the Clinton Hordes!)

Dispatches from way out in Sandersland: Hillary Clinton's been rolling like a political behemoth and inevitable winner for years, but she’s having trouble convincing young voters to buy into that narrative. For the sake of larger party unity, we've compiled this list of our best, possibly condescending but absolutely imperative advice to Clinton's camp.  Millennials will become the largest voting bloc in America in the next few cycles - any party or candidate that wants to be elected or relevant in the future needs to start earning their loyalty ASAP, and Clinton will need these energetic young voters to join her camp if she does in fact become the nominee.