
BTL #236 - Say Trumpcare - 3/13/17

BTL #236 - Say Trumpcare - 3/13/17

This week on BTL, everybody hates Trumpcare including all of the non-asshole community, most of the GOP, more of the white supremacist community than you'd guess, and most mammals and sea creatures. Jury is still out on reptiles - after all, Paul Ryan supports it.  Then, let us remind you of the many ways in which the monthly Jobs Report is never to be trusted, something that's especially true when the president tells you to only start trusting it now that he's in office.   And finally, ever dream of seeing the White House?  Apparently it's as easy as hopping a fence and...walking right in?  All this and more chaos awaits!

BTL #220 - Free Stickers - 11/07/16

BTL #220 - Free Stickers - 11/07/16

This week on BTL, it's our last chance to reach you before we all VOTE!  VOTING!  VOTING IS SO FUN!  YOU SHOULD DO IT!  We're here with all the latest polling, updates on the senate, info on the props, suggestions about where and how to get involved in #GOTV efforts, and so so so so much excitement about voting!  So much!  Plus, did you hear that recent FBI emails nonsense is already over?  What a relief!  Another relief: Trump's Twitter privileges were revoked.  Who knew it was that easy?  Tune in for it all and whatever you do, figure out where you're going to park BEFORE you get to the polling place.  It's so much easier.

BTL #206 - Run For Office - 6/20/16

BTL #206 - Run For Office - 6/20/16

This week on BTL, we know it's hot and hard to focus on anything but popsicles and swimming pools, but we'd love some answers regarding what our actual election results were here!  1.5 million ballots still uncounted?  Let's fix that!  Then our two great loves, gun control and filibusters, collided last week for an epic democratic-led 15 hour gun control filibuster that warmed our hearts and lifted our spirits but possibly wont result in any actual change.  And those are only two of the zillions of things we covered this week.  We'd think of more to tease but it's too hot.  Just listen.  We promise it'll be fun.

BTL #198 - Arcaniest of the Arcane - 4/25/16

BTL #198 - Arcaniest of the Arcane - 4/25/16

This week on BTL...we've got yet another Super Tuesday coming up, this time starring Pennsylvania.  (Cue the moment we figure out that the Pennsylvania primary laws are legitimately undemocratic.)   Then follow us through a rundown of the upcoming year's best Senate races - it's not even June and already it's drama as far as the eye can see in several key races!  Plus we have the beginning of Veepstaes 2015, the latest on the New York primary results and election fraud accusations, the week in news about 90 year-olds, and so much more!  

BTL #191 - The Euphamism - 3/7/16

BTL #191 - The Euphamism - 3/7/16

This week on a special bi-coastal BTL, all hell breaks loose in the GOP primary in an ever-mounting flurry of desperate party maneuvers and bizarre Donald Trump quotes.  Christ Christie has been kidnapped and cannot be saved so let's not worry about him anymore, but is anybody going to tell Rubio that his time might be up?  Also, a rowdy Democratic Debate in Flint, MI, election results from all the "super" election days a person could ask for, CPAC, Ted Cruz's booger-eating, and so much more!  How is it possible that every week tops the last?  We're exhausted, you guys, but we do it all for you!

BTL # 176 - The Scientific Method - 11/9/15

BTL # 176 - The Scientific Method - 11/9/15

This week on BTL...Tuesday’s election results were total garbage.  You guys have to remember to vote (Kentucky, we're talking to you)!  Also, don't bother learning anything about the life story of GOP frontrunner Ben Carson.  Apparently it's all a lie AND science isn't science and history isn't really history and everything you know is wrong.  Don't worry though, he promises from the bottom of his heart that the anecdote about him stabbing somebody is totes true.  Plus, we'll tell you everything you didn't even know you didn't know about MSNBC's (secret?) Democratic candidates forum, last month's impressive jobs numbers, and the latest in the war on Christmas.  Oh, and Sinkhole radio returns with an important PSA so listen like your life depends on it!

Post-Election Day Blues: 14 Ways To Get Even

Post-Election Day Blues: 14 Ways To Get Even

So you’re feeling depressed after this week’s GOP sweep?  Us too.  Blah.  Now what?

It’s easy to feel like the task of changing the country’s course is too enormous to fit into your million-hour work week.  You’re not wrong.  Work is boring, math is hard, days have limited numbers of hours, etc.  But listen haters, America has a brilliantly designed, resilient form of government.  The catch is that you can only see the possibilities if you’re paying attention.  Here's how to start doing that!