Conspiracy Theory

BTL #257 - In Id We Trust - 8/28/17

BTL #257 - In Id We Trust - 8/28/17

This week on BTL, we're back in the same room and ready to retrace the full saga of last week from Obama-pilfered Monday to insanity-laced Tuesday to Hurricane Friday. It was an exhausting beginning to a terrifying weekend filled with flooding, off-topic tweets, and resignations. Help us help you help everybody understand what on earth happened!

BTL #256 - When Even The "Best Words" Fail - 8/21/17

BTL #256 - When Even The "Best Words" Fail - 8/21/17

This week.  We can't even.

COME ON, EVERYBODY.  This is ridiculous.  We had to invent a "Nazi" tag for this week. That's what's going on this week.  (But don't worry, we have theories!  Also, we have the few minorly-funny-but-actually-kind-of-scary things that happened.  We tried.)


BTL #255 - Politicon 2017: Too Many Thoughts - 7/31/17

BTL #255 - Politicon 2017: Too Many Thoughts - 7/31/17

We're flying rundown-free because we snuck this recording in after a packed weekend at Politicon, but we've got our reactions to the comic-con for wonks, plus of course the healthcare vote, Priebus exit, Scaramucci living up to his operatic name, Trump's VERY on-brand boy scouts speech, and more!

BTL #254 - Branding Mediocrity - 7/24/17

BTL #254 - Branding Mediocrity - 7/24/17

This week on BTL, the depths of the simple things Trump doesn't understand are amazing sometimes, right? Like how health insurance works, how press offices work, how Russia works.  It's an adventure every day with this guy.  Plus, meet Anthony Scaramucci - he's just like his namesake!  And yeah, Sean Spicer is (was?) literally the worst kind of office person on earth. And maybe, just maybe, that's why we loved him.

BTL #252 - Lesson Unlearned - 7/11/17

BTL #252 - Lesson Unlearned - 7/11/17

This week on BTL, we ONCE AGAIN try our hand at reporting late-breaking and oh-so-exciting news! #TrumpRussia is getting really delicious...and by that we mean scary.  Also we've got dispatches from America's president's trip to the G20 and our president's trip to the G20, as well as some thoughts on Mark Penn's failing-ness and the permanent tragedy that is Chris Christie.  Oh, and healthcare updates.  Duh!

BTL #250 - Sestercentennial - 6/26/17

BTL #250 - Sestercentennial - 6/26/17

This week on BTL, Wealthcare is still anybody is talking about, and we're here to give you a running list of who, to date, is for it, against it, undecided, and especially evil. Plus, some thoughts on the GOP and guns, the Democrats and women, single-payer's worst enemies, and our "new" policies on Cuba. And finally, Jesus Christ, will we ever get a guilty verdict in the police the shooting of an innocent black man (or woman... or child...)?! 

BTL #247 - Bilateral Talks - 6/6/17

BTL #247 - Bilateral Talks - 6/6/17

This week, it's our first even international BTL! We spent it discussing important matters like the Paris Climate Accords, the AHCA and health insurance markets, Britain's upcoming election, and COVFEFE. Yeah, we're not above it. We're not above it at all.  Tune in for the carefully considered thoughts on the health insurance industry, environmental policy discussion, and...silly jokes because the president can't type/spell/stay awake while tweeting! 

BTL #246 - Very Good People - 5/30/17

BTL #246 - Very Good People - 5/30/17

This week on BTL, we add Jared Kushner to the list of Trump's “very good people” who may or may not have committed treason, plus Trump meets with the Pope (and, according to the internet, the twins from "The Shining") to talk peace, MLK, and other topics he already can't remember. Then we talk Trump and America through the real deal with NATO, and recall every hilarious golf cart-laden moment of the G7 Summit in Italy. Plus, inspired by the Luv Gov, the Alabama GOP is out early to get some Strange. All this plus rainbows and sunshine (ie doom and gloom predictions)! Hope you enjoyed your local Memorial Day parade and rested up over the holiday because the hits just keep coming!