David Axelrod

BTL #190 - The Fruit Salad of Life - 2/29/16

BTL #190 - The Fruit Salad of Life - 2/29/16

This week on an all-new BTL, Donald Trump's Nevada blowout saw him promising that he's going to bring us “so much everything” when he’s president.  If "everything" involves more of his accidental slam poetry, then we're in.  If it involves more racism, however, we're not.  Will update.  Plus, Thursday's GOP Debate was more bananas than ever and showed an emerging trend in the GOP field: campaigning exclusively via insult comedy.  (Policy proposals are so 2015.)  Also, anybody who’s anybody in whatever the opposite of MENSA is endorsed Donald Trump this week, Clinton had a BLOWOUT win in South Carolina,  and Super Tuesday is upon us!  (All signs point to Texas is proving once again that it can’t be trusted.)  Then there's the NY Times' sudden Clinton takedown, some intelligentsia speculation that for once isn't about Beyonce, and the newest kind of militia to look out for in the post-Bundy world: toddlers.  It's yet another week for the books and we have it all here!

BTL #181 - Talk Of Retirement - 12/20/15

BTL #181 - Talk Of Retirement - 12/20/15

This week on a special bi-coastal BTL, we're joining the chorus of people who think it's time for Debbie Wasserman Schultz to give up the ghost and leave the DNC in less compromised/incompetant hands.  Though even her Saturday debate scheduling couldn't stop us from sort of semi-watching the Dem Debate, most of what we took away involved Martin O'Malley being super irrelevant and a little sad.  One debate we didn't snore through, however, was last week's GOP debate because GUYS it was 25% fresh shenanigans (though, sadly, also 75% warmongering)!  Tune in for our rundown of both debates and more before we disappear for two full weeks into the Christmas ether!