
BTL #339 - The Nevada Caucus Special - 2/24/20

BTL #339 - The Nevada Caucus Special - 2/24/20

It was the weekend of the Nevada Caucuses, and we went, we saw, and we covered. We covered it extensively. We covered it possibly too extensively. Get our thoughts on the experience, the outcome and the how polling looks moving forward, all fresh off the campaign trail!

BTL #201 - Quit Your Bickering - 5/17/16

BTL #201 - Quit Your Bickering - 5/17/16

This week on's chaos at the Nevada Democratic Convention!  Sit-ins, security, fleeing...all the best kinds of excitement!  Plus, we've got election results from West Virginia and Nebraska, a week of Donald Trump trying to figure out how to be a frontrunner (answer: insist that you're very smart but don't confirm anything else), and SCOTUS updates from the a newly 4-4 court!  Apparently their new strategy is to stop making rulings until we can break the stalemate.  All that plus the intersection of politics and gossip like you've never experienced it before!  Welcome to Rep. Grayson v. Sen. Reid, the ultimate battle.  It's yet another week of glory, so don't miss it!

BTL #190 - The Fruit Salad of Life - 2/29/16

BTL #190 - The Fruit Salad of Life - 2/29/16

This week on an all-new BTL, Donald Trump's Nevada blowout saw him promising that he's going to bring us “so much everything” when he’s president.  If "everything" involves more of his accidental slam poetry, then we're in.  If it involves more racism, however, we're not.  Will update.  Plus, Thursday's GOP Debate was more bananas than ever and showed an emerging trend in the GOP field: campaigning exclusively via insult comedy.  (Policy proposals are so 2015.)  Also, anybody who’s anybody in whatever the opposite of MENSA is endorsed Donald Trump this week, Clinton had a BLOWOUT win in South Carolina,  and Super Tuesday is upon us!  (All signs point to Texas is proving once again that it can’t be trusted.)  Then there's the NY Times' sudden Clinton takedown, some intelligentsia speculation that for once isn't about Beyonce, and the newest kind of militia to look out for in the post-Bundy world: toddlers.  It's yet another week for the books and we have it all here!

BTL #189 - George's Little Brother - 2/22/16

BTL #189 - George's Little Brother - 2/22/16

This week on the podcast, Carla Nordstrom joins us for our coverage of the Nevada Caucus results, the fully bonkers South Carolina GOP primary results, a finally tally of what money can't buy you care of a now exclamation point-less Jeb, and Donald Trump's latest sparring partner, Pope Francis.  Naturally we didn't forget to bring you this week's crazy Scalia conspiracy theories and make sure to listen to Carla's editorial on young voters and the Democratic Party!  Yet another can't-miss week and more are on the way!