South Carolina

BTL #189 - George's Little Brother - 2/22/16

BTL #189 - George's Little Brother - 2/22/16

This week on the podcast, Carla Nordstrom joins us for our coverage of the Nevada Caucus results, the fully bonkers South Carolina GOP primary results, a finally tally of what money can't buy you care of a now exclamation point-less Jeb, and Donald Trump's latest sparring partner, Pope Francis.  Naturally we didn't forget to bring you this week's crazy Scalia conspiracy theories and make sure to listen to Carla's editorial on young voters and the Democratic Party!  Yet another can't-miss week and more are on the way!

BTL #187 - Disappointing Wins, Victorious Losses - 2/8/16

BTL #187 - Disappointing Wins, Victorious Losses - 2/8/16

This week on BTL, literally everything happened.  The Iowa Caucuses!  A Democratic Debate!  A Republican Debate!  It was a bonanza of everything we love and hold dear.  We've got caucus results, polling heading into New Hampshire (it's on Tuesday!), and rampant speculation about South Carolina, plus, find our why we're totally over Chris Wallace, totally into DeRay McKesson, and totally pissed at Gloria Steinem.  And if all that wasn't enough, Sinkhole Radio is back!  What a whirlwind!