
BTL #220 - Free Stickers - 11/07/16

BTL #220 - Free Stickers - 11/07/16

This week on BTL, it's our last chance to reach you before we all VOTE!  VOTING!  VOTING IS SO FUN!  YOU SHOULD DO IT!  We're here with all the latest polling, updates on the senate, info on the props, suggestions about where and how to get involved in #GOTV efforts, and so so so so much excitement about voting!  So much!  Plus, did you hear that recent FBI emails nonsense is already over?  What a relief!  Another relief: Trump's Twitter privileges were revoked.  Who knew it was that easy?  Tune in for it all and whatever you do, figure out where you're going to park BEFORE you get to the polling place.  It's so much easier.

BTL #219 - Boo! - 10/31/16

BTL #219 - Boo! - 10/31/16

Election Countdown: Nine Days!  This week on BTL, we dissect they latest of many October Surprises - this has been the surprisiest final month in election history!  Clinton's emails might be a non-starter, but the Comey controversy is just getting started.  Plus, polls, Standing Rock, our first proof that voter fraud is real (among Trump voters, duh) and an update on Iceland's Pirate Party elections.  WE'RE SO READY FOR THIS TO BE OVER!!  But, then, what would we talk about?

BTL #218 - Bad Hombre - 10/24/16

BTL #218 - Bad Hombre - 10/24/16

This week on BTL, we've got all the bad hombres, nasty women, and important updates from the final presidential debate.  (Thank god these are over.)  Plus, recent polls are showing thatTrump really doesn’t have much to worry about in the way of rigged elections...he'd have to be close to winning one first.  But don't worry, the rich always come out on top, and Il Duce is no different - Trump TV is the latest business scam hounding this election and it's a doozy!  Tune in, tune up, tune around, and listen to an all new BTL.  Most importantly, it's that time again so REMEMBER TO VOTE!  We'll have a prop cheat sheet up on the site this week!

BTL #213 - Questionable Medicine - 8/29/16

BTL #213 - Questionable Medicine - 8/29/16

This week on BTL, we've got everything you need to know about every "health of a candidate for elected office" scandal currently in play.  Buckle up, there are a lot of them!  Plus, Trump is now so inconsistent he's not ever sure if he's in favor of deporting Mexicans anymore.  Who is Trump without deportations?  Is he even real?  And the new Sanders org is in hot water because the only place currently experiencing revolutions is the organization's leadership.  All this plus lots more fun, so listen, then rate us on iTunes!

BTL #212 - Life's Gold Medal - 8/22/16

BTL #212 - Life's Gold Medal - 8/22/16

This week on BTL, we're STILL obsessed with the Olympics, and we're especially obsessed with how obsessed everybody is about the sexism, racism, and classism in this year's Olympics media coverage.  Maybe things are getting better?  Plus, a Trump campaign shake-up leaves the candidate unmoored from regular political reality once again, and Clinton's transition teams proves she's a little too moored to a reality we'd all rather leave behind.  And you know what?  Why not make this week the week that you give us a rating on iTunes?  What do you have to lose?

BTL #206 - Run For Office - 6/20/16

BTL #206 - Run For Office - 6/20/16

This week on BTL, we know it's hot and hard to focus on anything but popsicles and swimming pools, but we'd love some answers regarding what our actual election results were here!  1.5 million ballots still uncounted?  Let's fix that!  Then our two great loves, gun control and filibusters, collided last week for an epic democratic-led 15 hour gun control filibuster that warmed our hearts and lifted our spirits but possibly wont result in any actual change.  And those are only two of the zillions of things we covered this week.  We'd think of more to tease but it's too hot.  Just listen.  We promise it'll be fun.

BTL #205 - Kiss the Gold-Plated Ring - 6/13/16

BTL #205 - Kiss the Gold-Plated Ring - 6/13/16

This week on BTL...we've had enough with the damn shootings.  When do we get to talk about gun control again?  Page us when you're ready, America.  Plus, our thoughts on this weekend's eventful Pride, the California primary results, Donald Trump's latest fundraising tactics, Hillary Clinton's victory lap, and more!  And most importantly (aside from, well, the actual news...) BILDERBERG IS BACK and more Illuminati-ish than ever!  Find out which highly international conspiracy plans are on the agenda this year! 

BTL #195 - The Bathroom Line - 4/4/16

BTL #195 - The Bathroom Line - 4/4/16

This week on another bi-coastal BTL, Hillary goes full "Shillary" on a Greenpeace activist, causing the world's greatest photo (at left) to be taken.  She's super tired of being attacked for her record and is withholding any debating pearls of genius from the state of New York until we all agree to stop talking about it.  Things aren't going much better on the right, where all three candidates are now refusing to vote for each other.  It's a real race through Wisconsin and onto New York, where we assume Trump will explain which of the five positions he expressed on abortion this week are actually his.  Then we're on to a rundown of the GOP's slate of lesser-known presidential candidates, at least one of whom thinks God has cured him of leukemia three times.  Enjoy this primary downtime with us as your guides!