BTL #230 - The Gossipy Side of a Constitutional Crisis [SPECIAL GUEST: William Floyd, LA County Dems] - 1/30/17

BTL #230 - The Gossipy Side of a Constitutional Crisis [SPECIAL GUEST: William Floyd, LA County Dems] - 1/30/17

This week on BTL, join us for a walk down memory lane as we recount every single horrifying thing that happened in the last week.  Yup, week.  Trump has only been the president for a week.  We're already mid-constitutional crisis, we've already pissed off most of the world, and Trump's staff keeps tweeting us their passwords so things are leakier over there than a paper pipe.  On the bright side, if you enjoy protesting, you'll have lots of opportunities coming up.  Also, if you enjoy engaging in Wikipedia mischief, this next year is probably going to be your holy grail.

Also if you're pissed, get involved at the local level!  Don't miss our interview with William Floyd of the LA County Democrats to find out more about what that means.

BTL #212 - Life's Gold Medal - 8/22/16

BTL #212 - Life's Gold Medal - 8/22/16

This week on BTL, we're STILL obsessed with the Olympics, and we're especially obsessed with how obsessed everybody is about the sexism, racism, and classism in this year's Olympics media coverage.  Maybe things are getting better?  Plus, a Trump campaign shake-up leaves the candidate unmoored from regular political reality once again, and Clinton's transition teams proves she's a little too moored to a reality we'd all rather leave behind.  And you know what?  Why not make this week the week that you give us a rating on iTunes?  What do you have to lose?

BTL #192 - Return of the Goldwater Gal - 3/14/16

BTL #192 - Return of the Goldwater Gal - 3/14/16

This week on BTL, MSNBC is shocked, shocked, shocked when the Michigan primary results are exactly what their own exit polls predicted.  Plus, this is the week we reached peak Trump: he gave us the best hour of television in American history not to be confused with the best reminder possible that he's a dangerous lunatic that must be stopped.  And Hillary Clinton might be channeling her Goldwater Gal past a little too clearly these days.  And of course we have election results, a look to this week's primaries, and polling galore!

BTL #191 - The Euphamism - 3/7/16

BTL #191 - The Euphamism - 3/7/16

This week on a special bi-coastal BTL, all hell breaks loose in the GOP primary in an ever-mounting flurry of desperate party maneuvers and bizarre Donald Trump quotes.  Christ Christie has been kidnapped and cannot be saved so let's not worry about him anymore, but is anybody going to tell Rubio that his time might be up?  Also, a rowdy Democratic Debate in Flint, MI, election results from all the "super" election days a person could ask for, CPAC, Ted Cruz's booger-eating, and so much more!  How is it possible that every week tops the last?  We're exhausted, you guys, but we do it all for you!

BTL #172 - Human DNA Found at Politicon - 10/12/15

BTL #172 - Human DNA Found at Politicon - 10/12/15

This week on the podcast, so many names we haven't visited with in a while: Paul Ryan, Michele Bachmann, and more!  Plus, Hillary Clinton can't help but destroy everything she loves, and her latest victim is her beloved TPP.  Oh, and McCarthy is OUT so the Speaker of the House election is now anybody's (or possibly nobody's) game.  Who will it be?  You?  Us?  Nancy Pelosi?  Tune in to hear our thoughts and let us know yours on Twitter!