Legal Entanglements

BTL #311 - What, If Anything, Is Obstruction - 3/25/19

BTL #311 - What, If Anything, Is Obstruction - 3/25/19

This week on BTL…breaking news! The Mueller report is real and it’s out and humans have read it and those humans have…told us there was no collusion. BUT, despite what you’re reading, we give you some reasons to hope! Plus, we’ve got all the presidential news that’s fit to print and a reminder that all you need to do to get gun control moving is…decide to do it. Action begins with the intention to take literally any action. Stay strong out there!

BTL #310 - Decades Long Crime Spree - 3/11/19

BTL #310 - Decades Long Crime Spree - 3/11/19

This week on the podcast, we have breaking news: finally, a major billionaire has actually decides NOT to run for president! WHAT? Plus, now that ratings are what matter, the Democrats have decided to produce world’s greatest reality debate. But this was also a week that a Judge pleaded with America to remember that Paul Manafort was a great man before his decades long crime spree. It’s had ups and downs.

BTL #307 - Abolish the State of the Union - 2/11/19

BTL #307 - Abolish the State of the Union - 2/11/19

This week on BTL, we've got everything from SOTU to the equally messy Virginia to everything you ever wanted to know about the Green New Deal and which of the 500 presidential candidates supports it!

BTL #306 - Favorite Back Tattoo - 1/28/19

BTL #306 - Favorite Back Tattoo - 1/28/19

This week on the pod - good news, guys! We didn’t need a border wall anyway! Plus, there is just so much about Roger Stone you didn’t know, like how much he and his favorite back tattoo have in common! And we’ve got the 2020 updates you didn’t hear about because, well, if a tree falls… P.S. Puerto Rico is still a place that exists to everybody that isn’t Donald Trump. It’s a place that needs our help. All this plus tons more on this weeks BTL!

BTL #296 - Rants - 9/24/18

BTL #296 - Rants - 9/24/18

This week…well...we've been away for a month so it’s mostly rants!  We’ll be ranting Kavanaugh, primaries, hurricanes and everything you need to know before next week, when we go back to our covering one week of news at a time.

BTL #295 - Watergate Pt. II - 8/20/18

BTL #295 - Watergate Pt. II - 8/20/18

This week on BTL, it’s election results galore! We’ll tell you why what you’ve been reading about what they mean isn’t totally true. Also, indictments/legal entanglements/lies galore! But don’t worry, according to Giuliani, the truth is not the truth anyway so what does it matter? It was a big two weeks and we’ve got it all right here!

BTL #294 - Brent's Back - 8/6/18

BTL #294 - Brent's Back - 8/6/18

This week on BTL, Brent makes his triumphant return. (Remember him?!) We give the play-by-play of who’s claiming they know the play-by-play of Don Jr.’s meeting with Russian officials, discuss the Kirstjen Nielsen “triumphant” trip to Puerto Rico to thank everybody for definitely not bungling the recovery efforts, and go deep into the Netroots-fueled 2020 speculation-mania! Plus there are primaries Tuesday, and don’t worry, John Kelly’s given up completely so his facial expressions will be around for years to come.

BTL #291 - 1950s Toddler - 6/18/18

BTL #291 - 1950s Toddler - 6/18/18

This week on BTL, Trump tantrums his way around the G7, dictates his way through the U.S. - North Korea summit, and rips poor desperate immigrant families apart while we obsess about the California primaries! (Whose hobby is better? We’ll let you decide.) We’ve got results from CA and the other June 5th states, as well as some ire about the poor children being torn from their parents in the name of cruelty [cough]…sorry safety (?). All that plus visiting information if you want to get some facetime with Paul Manafort while he’s in jail. We all have a few things we’d like to say to his face, right?