New Hampshire

How to Help Defeat Il Duce if You Still Don't Like Clinton/Kaine

How to Help Defeat Il Duce if You Still Don't Like Clinton/Kaine

Many of us are still less than enthused by the Clinton/Kaine ticket, but as your Facebook friends rant about voters who haven’t gone full-Clinton being traitors to the human race, they might be forgetting that that there are thousands of ways to fight the rise of Il Duce without putting time and money into his heavily compromised opponent.  Here are some ideas.

BTL #194 - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Saturday - 3/28/16

BTL #194 - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Saturday - 3/28/16

This week on BTL, we begin with a yearly tradition: Brent telling Lila the story of Easter only to have Lila forget the story by the time the podcast is posted.  Will she ever learn?  Tune in to find out.  Then we have some new superlative primary days of our own invention: #LooneyTuesday and #SupercalifragilisticexpialidociousSaturday.  Plus, we've got the latest on Obama's trip to Cuba, the (too) many terrorist attacks that went down this week week, and a rundown of 13 Democratic presidential candidates you may not be aware of and probably should try not to learn more about!

BTL #188 - Real Pizza - 2/16/16

BTL #188 - Real Pizza - 2/16/16

What a week!  It began with the best day of our lives - the New Hampshire primaries and ended with the surprise death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.  He was a complicated man, scourge to liberals, BFF to RBG. knower of real pizza, not-knower of the rights of women, gays, minorities, and most other human creatures to have healthcare, the right to marry, or services and dignity of any kind.  The GOP is honoring him the best they know how - by refusing to do their job.  Alex Jones and Matt Drudge are honoring him the best way they know how - by spreading conspiracy theories about his death.  We're honoring him the best way we know how -  by bringing you news on the most raucous GOP debate to date, the upcoming Nevada caucuses and South Carolina primaries, and so much more!  It's yet another rollercoaster week in this unbelievably exciting election cycle!

There is Only One Issue Worth Voting on in 2016

There is Only One Issue Worth Voting on in 2016

Here’s a bold declaration:  Despite the rancor accompanying this year's races and last year’s congressional session, there is only one issue worth voting on.  It’s a deceptively simple issue too; massively important, but, oddly, still one a vast majority of Americans agree on. 

BTL #185 - Squirmishes in Hollywood - 1/25/16

BTL #185 - Squirmishes in Hollywood - 1/25/16

Never in our lives have we had so much to say about performance art, meta commentary, and...idiots.  Lots of thoughts on idiots.  Plus, panic on the right, left, and center about the rollercoaster of a primary and the gloves come off in the Clinton-verse!  Oh, and it’s super duper hot these days and it will be forever and ever so...that’s cool.


BTL # 182 - Lady of Leisure - 1/4/16

BTL # 182 - Lady of Leisure - 1/4/16

This week on BTL...we begin 2016 with a look towards the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries, which are just weeks away!  Ted Cruz is in the lead in Iowa and Trump got a lock on NH, but the real race is for second, third, and fourth place (a.k.a. first place in the much more desperate establishment sub-primary.)  All that, plus an exciting look at some other races to watch, the return of the Cliven Bundy's clan, some hopeful news regarding gun control (did we ever think we'd say that?) and so much more!