
BTL #251 - Healthcare or a Giraffe - 7/3/17

BTL #251 - Healthcare or a Giraffe - 7/3/17

This week on BTL, healthcare reform didn't get through before the holiday, but we're still worried about Mitch McConnell's evil plans to woo new GOPers to the cause. Trump, meanwhile, is so worried that he's changed his mind about his position yet again. On the Democratic side though, mind changes are a good thing! The writing on the wall is increasingly clear - Medicare for all is going to be a defining issue of 2020. All that plus Gorsuch being a problem already, a shake-up at Our Revolution, and Donald Trump's latest Twitter shenanigans.

BTL #250 - Sestercentennial - 6/26/17

BTL #250 - Sestercentennial - 6/26/17

This week on BTL, Wealthcare is still anybody is talking about, and we're here to give you a running list of who, to date, is for it, against it, undecided, and especially evil. Plus, some thoughts on the GOP and guns, the Democrats and women, single-payer's worst enemies, and our "new" policies on Cuba. And finally, Jesus Christ, will we ever get a guilty verdict in the police the shooting of an innocent black man (or woman... or child...)?! 

BTL #216 - Interview: Jill Stein - 10/10/16

BTL #216 - Interview: Jill Stein - 10/10/16

On this week's BTL, we talked voting, third parties, Libertarians, Ralph Nader, and more with GREEN PARTY PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE JILL STEIN!  Check out our chat with her, some dispatches from her Pershing Square rally, and of course all the bafoonery around the second presidential debate, Donald Trump pussy-grabbing, Hillary Clinton wall street speeches, and everything else that happened in this absurdly packed week!

BTL #214 - Our Local Taco Truck - 9/6/14

BTL #214 - Our Local Taco Truck - 9/6/14

This week on BTL, we've cover the important news: Bobby Pin-Gate 2016, Michele Bachmann's latest talking spell, and, Hillary Clinton's continued technological failings.  Oh, and I guess while we're at it we get to Trump's surprise Mexico trip (?!!?!), polls, some news about where on earth Clinton's been for the last month, and other more traditional "news" news. We bring it all because we care.  We're THOSE friends.  You're welcome.

BTL #212 - Life's Gold Medal - 8/22/16

BTL #212 - Life's Gold Medal - 8/22/16

This week on BTL, we're STILL obsessed with the Olympics, and we're especially obsessed with how obsessed everybody is about the sexism, racism, and classism in this year's Olympics media coverage.  Maybe things are getting better?  Plus, a Trump campaign shake-up leaves the candidate unmoored from regular political reality once again, and Clinton's transition teams proves she's a little too moored to a reality we'd all rather leave behind.  And you know what?  Why not make this week the week that you give us a rating on iTunes?  What do you have to lose?

BTL #210 - Democratic Dancing - 8/1/16

BTL #210 - Democratic Dancing - 8/1/16

This week on the podcast... Don't you want to have as much fun as Bill Clinton is having in this picture?  Then listen to us discuss the DNC and all that transpired behind the scenes on this week's podcast!  Plus, Trump's worst media week ever, and some nifty campaigning ideas for the progressives among us!

BTL #203 - Vermin's Return - 5/30/16

BTL #203 - Vermin's Return - 5/30/16

This week on the podcast, Brent was on death's door but rallied so we could bring you one hour of the greatest gossip in the world.  From the rollercoaster of the Hillary/Bernie/Trump debate dramas, to the hilarity and excitement of the Libertarian Party Convention and the return of the Hillary emails saga (this time with extra drama!) this week really had it all!  Plus click to see information about how your can see us live.  That's right, LIVE!  We'll be making an appearance next Sunday so if you're in LA don't miss it!